Supported independent living
Our specialism is young adults aged 16+ transitioning to independent living
We provide supported living placements for young people aged 16 and over. We endeavour to provide therapeutic environment by providing safe and high quality accommodation which enables our young people to develop and enhance their independent skills. Our service provides a nurturing and supportive environment for young people transitioning to independent adult living. We undertake a complete assessment for each young person to determine their abilities and provide an individualised plan which aims to promote and develop independence, access further learning/employment and supporting our young people to reach their goals and aspirations in preparation for adult living.
We offer independent supported living for young adults from 16-21 years of age. Our service is designed to help people to live a fulfilled life whilst promoting independence for the individuals in carrying out their activities of daily living
Our staff are experienced in supporting individuals with various mental health conditions including but not limited to
We offer guidance and support to empower young people to be confident with skills like
We will work with the individual to develop a support plan which will take into account the holistic needs of the individual. We will offer frequent 1-1 sessions to support, empower and prepare the young person to develop the skills they need to live a fulfilled lifestyle as independent adults
Young peoples’ characteristics and needs that We Care Services can accommodate:

Males and females aged 16-25 years

Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC).

Young people who experience emotional behavioural difficulties.

Young people with history of trauma

Young people with mental health problems

Young people who engage in risky behaviours

Young people that are NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training).

Young people who require support with their independent living skills.
Support and advice
At We care nursing services we uphold the core values of an anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive approach in providing support and guidance to people. We also promote diversity and ensure sure that each young person’s values are upheld and respected within our service delivery. We have mutual expectations for our young people and our staff to respect people’s values in regards to religion, culture, race, sexuality, sexual orientation, disabilities and impairments. We deliver services that respect young people’s dignity privacy.
We understand that people need to be in a safe and nurturing environment to thrive in their health and develop. Therefore, we always ensure that are our accommodations are clean, safe, and comfortable. We provide an environment that empower people to exercise decision making, achieve independence and understand their human rights.
Semi-Independent support ranges from:

Low, medium & high shared accommodation

Stand-alone accommodation

Staffed 24 hour accommodation

Outreach work